How to convert into pdf

Learn how to convert any file into PDF format?
If this is a question then here is a answer. A online pdf convertor sites are available, from there I like one pdf convertor called as Foxtab PDF Convertor. This convertor convert any file which file we can Print. Also this is available in our Print option.

I will tell you how to convert into PDF format.For that follow the given instruction.
FoxTab :: PDF Converter

Set up the given Download.

and when it will setup then open any WORD/EXCEL file for convert into PDF format.
Take any Excel File
Then Click on a Print Option shown as below
Then you get a print window from which you have to select only Fox Tab PDF Convertor and then click on OK button
Then select your folder and save your PDF file by using your convertor

Then here is your saved PDF file ENJOY IT.
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